9mm 147gr Load Data

9mm 147gr Load Data
June 6, 2023 Caleb DeFord

If you are reading this, you found our new Sierra Blog post selection. For those of you that found it another way other than through our website, go to our www.sierrabullets.com website, highlight ‘Resources’ and click on ‘Sierra Blog’ to see the latest posts. This was formally called the X-Ring, a publication that we sent out by mail, way back when. It has evolved since then but I’m hopeful I’ll be able to post those old entries again; I think I still have them all in some form or another. If anyone is interested, let me know.

Until then, a lot of shooters are requesting load data for the 9mm Luger cartridge using our 147gr bullets, and I’m here to deliver the report I was given. The short and sweet of it, this is data for standard pressures as well as +P pressures, so know what you have and what you can work with safely. Only use the data that fits your components and remember to begin at the listed start load and work up from there. Both projectiles are listed for sale on our website, in some box count or another, and you should also be able to find them through your favorite store by now.


9mm Luger with Sierra 147gr JHP                    COAL #8147 @ 1.130″  /  #9947 @ 1.100″
Powder Manufacturer Powder Name Start Standard max charge Standard velocity P+ max charge P+ Velocity
Accurate AA#5 4.3 4.8 1012 5 1055
Accurate AA#7 5.3 5.9 1079 6.2 1126
Alliant Power Pistol 4.3 4.8 1105 5.2 1154
Winchester Auto Comp 3.6 4 1051 4.3 1089
Hodgon CFE Pistol 3.5 3.9 1050 4.1 1090
Hodgon Longshot 4.1 4.6 1084 5 1138
Vihtavuori N340 3.4 3.8 1016 4 1054
Vihtavuori N350 3.9 4.3 1051 4.5 1092
Ramshot Silhouette 3.8 4.2 1078 4.4 1126
Shooter’s World Auto Pistol 4.1 4.6 1000 4.9 1041
Hodgon Titegroup 2.8 3.1 974 3.2 1013
Alliant Unique 3 3.4 987 3.6 1037
Hodgon Universal 3.4 3.8 1044 4.1 1090
Vihtavuori 3N37 4 4.5 1032 4.7 1073
Winchester 231 2.9 3.3 971 3.5 1015
Winchester WSF 3.3 3.7 1012 3.9 1051
Winchester WST 2.8 3.1 922 3.2 960
Ramshot Zip 3.1 3.5 974 3.7 1012


Keep an eye open for more to come. Thank you for your patience in these trying times and be safe shooting.

Philip Mahin

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