Load Data

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  1. Save the pdf to your computer
  2. Open the file with Adobe Reader
  3. Go to edit > preferences > categories: page display
  4. In the rendering section, change the “Smooth Text” drop-down to “none”
  5. Click OK


The load data contained on this site is intended for use with Sierra Bullets. Bullets from other manufacturers may not produce equivalent pressure or velocities; therefore, it is not recommended that this data be used with components other than as listed. Data contained herein is intended for use by individuals who are familiar with correct and safe handloading practices and procedures.

Because Sierra Bullets has no control over the individual loading practices and/or components used, no responsibility is implied or expressed by Sierra Bullets, Inc. in the use of this data. The information is to be used at the sole discretion of the user. This data replaces, supercedes and obsoletes any and all data previously published by Sierra Bullets, Inc.