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181-192 of 268 products

  • $41.99

    .458 Cal 300 Gr. HP/FN Pro-Hunter

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    Sierra offers a single flatnose bullet in this 45 caliber specifically for the 45-70 bore size. It may be used in rifles or handguns with a .458 inch bore, but it must not be used in handguns with .451 or .454 inch bore size.   Sierra introduced this bullet in 1973 -  the 100th year of the 45-70 cartridge. Now, decades later, this old cartridge is still growing in popularity and justifiably so. Adequate for any game in North America and offered in several modern firearms, this old cartridge is just plain fun. The bullet is unique in that it expands well at modest 1873 Springfield velocities or at the more powerful full charge velocities that can be loaded in stronger action types, such as the Ruger No. 1 and No. 3 and Marlin lever actions. Accuracy is excellent, and it feeds reliably through all types of magazines and actions. It can be used in the 458 Winchester Magnum cartridge, but muzzle velocities should not exceed 2500 fps. For handguns, this bullet was designed to expand reliably even at 1300 fps.  It is a perfect match for the T/C Contenders and similar handguns chambered for the 45-70 cartridge. Dependable expansion and excellent accuracy make this Pro-Hunter bullet a good choice for most hunting situations.
  • Sold out

    .243 Cal 60 Gr. HP Varminter

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    For rifles in 6mm caliber, deadly Hollow Point construction and legendary Sierra accuracy combine to make this bullet an outstanding choice for most varmint hunting   Designed for high velocities, this bullet features a gaping hollow point to ensure positive expansion even at long range.   For handguns, as the Varminter name implies, this is an excellent varmint and small game bullet. The Varminter construction lends itself well to the velocities attainable with cartridges such as the 6mm TCU, 6mm PPC and 6mm BR. This Sierra bullet features precision accuracy and is best utilized at short to medium ranges for varmints and small game.
  • $61.99

    243 Winchester ~ 90 Grain ~ GameChanger

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    Our GameChanger ammunition is the result of more than 70 years of designing world-class bullets. Each GameChanger round utilizes a Sierra Tipped GameKing bullet with an extremely accurate boat tail profile and a polymer tip seated in a hollow point design for fast expansion upon impact. A lead core encased in a thick, tough copper jacket delivers outstanding penetration and controlled expansion at any range. There are those who will argue that a .243 Winchester is just a little small for deer hunting. Apparently, they have never tried Sierra’s GameChanger ammunition. Our .243 load utilizes our tough as nails 90 grain Tipped GameKing bullet with a G1 BC of .390 which exits the muzzle at 3200 FPS. The .243 GameChanger ammunition will hit hard and penetrate deep. For whitetail sized game, this stuff truly is a real GameChanger. Click to view trajectory chart.
  • $63.99

    6mm Creedmoor ~ 100 Grain ~ GameChanger

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    Our GameChanger ammunition is the result of more than 70 years of designing world-class bullets. Each GameChanger round utilizes a Sierra Tipped GameKing bullet with an extremely accurate boat tail profile and a polymer tip seated in a hollow point design for fast expansion upon impact. A lead core encased in a thick, tough copper jacket delivers outstanding penetration and controlled expansion at any range. A 100 grain Tipped Gameking bullet, with a G1 BC of .515, leaving the barrel at 3135 FPS. Sierra’s 6MM Creedmoor ammunition will dial up long distance and leave a real message when it gets there. From coyotes, hogs or deer you can feel confident that your ammunition will hit where you aim it and perform when it gets there. Click to view trajectory chart.
  • $66.99

    6.5 Creedmoor ~ 130 Grain ~ GameChanger

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    Our GameChanger ammunition is the result of more than 70 years of designing world-class bullets. Each GameChanger round utilizes a Sierra Tipped GameKing bullet with an extremely accurate boat tail profile and a polymer tip seated in a hollow point design for fast expansion upon impact. A lead core encased in a thick, tough copper jacket delivers outstanding penetration and controlled expansion at any range. The 6.5 Creedmoor has arrived and its not leaving anytime soon. With the countless rifles chambered for the 6.5 Creedmoor, Sierra GameChanger ammunition turns your long-range target rifle into a real game getter. The 130 grain GameChanger bullet with its G1 BC of .510, handles deer with ease and can be used effectively on elk as long as the shooter does his part. This ammunition is going to put a lot of meat in the freezer. Click to view trajectory chart.
  • $66.99

    270 Winchester ~ 140 Grain ~ GameChanger

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    Our GameChanger ammunition is the result of more than 70 years of designing world-class bullets. Each GameChanger round utilizes a Sierra Tipped GameKing bullet with an extremely accurate boat tail profile and a polymer tip seated in a hollow point design for fast expansion upon impact. A lead core encased in a thick, tough copper jacket delivers outstanding penetration and controlled expansion at any range. The 270 Winchester just got a little better. Sierra’s GameChanger ammunition breathes new life into this fine old cartridge. The 140 grain Tipped GameKing with a G1 BC of .508, traveling at 2960 FPS when it leaves your barrel. This GameChanger is bad medicine on deer, elk and bear. If you want pin-point accuracy and serious expansion combined with deep penetration, pick up a box of .270 Winchester GameChanger ammunition. You’ll be glad you did. Click to view trajectory chart.
  • $69.99

    308 Winchester ~ 165 Grain ~ GameChanger

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    Our GameChanger ammunition is the result of more than 70 years of designing world-class bullets. Each GameChanger round utilizes a Sierra Tipped GameKing bullet with an extremely accurate boat tail profile and a polymer tip seated in a hollow point design for fast expansion upon impact. A lead core encased in a thick, tough copper jacket delivers outstanding penetration and controlled expansion at any range. Sierra’s 308 Winchester GameChanger ammunition hits where you aim, produces little tiny groups on paper, gives reliable controlled expansion and offers bone crushing penetration on deer, bear, elk, moose, well you get the picture. With a G1 BC of .517 and a muzzle velocity of 2680 FPS, our 308 Winchester GameChanger ammunition will perform when you need it to. Click to view trajectory chart.
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    World Class Handgun Champion Doug Koening takes you through an in-depth introduction to handgun ammunition reloading. This DVD demonstrates important safety, equipment and testing aspects.
  • $14.99


    Redding, Sierra, and Wolfe publishing have teamed up to bring you an advanced handloading DVD. John Barsness hosts this DVD and teaches you how to use advanced tools to make your handloads shoot better. This video covers advanced techniques needed to enhance your ammunitions accuracy.
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    Champion shooter G. David Tubb narrates our 3 hour, DVD format video which demonstrates comprehensive reloading techniques for the intermediate and advanced reloader.
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    National Champion Hi-Power Rifle Competitor and veteran hunter, G. David Tubb, guides you through an in-depth introduction to rifle ammunition reloading. Complete how-to presentation covers safety, concepts, components, equipment and testing in DVD format for your personal computer or DVD player.
  • Sold out
    Original price was: $38.89.Current price is: $14.99.




    Sierra's INFINITY Exterior Ballistic Computer Software version 7 provides multiple trajectory charts and graphics, point blank range, calculate zero, uphill/downhill shooting, maximum range, minute of angle, profiled wind, improved atmospherics, revised print formats trajectory in mils and more. Easy to use Windows format makes INFINITY extremely user friendly. Bullet library includes all major bullet companies as well as ammunition companies and allows for addition of new and custom bullets. Renowned Sierra Ballistic Consultants Ted Almgren and Dr. Bill McDonald, who have written all Sierra Software since 1970, also wrote INFINITY 7. Both are retired Chief Scientists from a major aerospace company. This program is available in CD-Rom format only.  Interface and program architecture design by Rodney Korn. System requirements are: Windows® XP, Vista, 7, 8, or 10, 800x600 resolution, and 120MB hard drive space.   The program does much more than compute bullet trajectories. It contains a feature that computes the effects on the bullet trajectory of variations in firing conditions. For example, you can change altitude of the firing point, and compute the effect on the trajectory. Or you can change a wind condition; or muzzle velocity; or Ballistic Coefficient.  In fact, you can change any inputted firing condition or combination of conditions.  You can also graph the trajectory variations that result. Another key feature of the program is that it will calculate the point blank range of a cartridge for a game animal or silhouette target of any size (up to a vital zone of 30 inches - 7.62cm), for either of two cases. The first case is when you have already sighted in your gun for a certain zero range and you want to know how far out you can shoot at the target without holding high to compensate for the drop of the bullet. In the second case the program will tell you where to set your zero range in order to maximize the point blank range. The program also will tell you what happens when you first zero your gun in at a convenient shooting range, and then shoot at a target that is either uphill or downhill compared to the shooting range where you sighted in. In such a situation the bullet trajectory will be different compared to the trajectory at the range you used to zero in. The program calculates the differences in all the trajectory parameters for you. Another feature of the program will compute where your gun is zeroed if you know that it shoots high by a measured amount at a known range. Still another feature calculates the maximum range that a bullet can reach along a given slope angle. The slope angle can be chosen as positive (uphill), zero (level fire), or negative (downhill). This feature also calculates the elevation angle of the gun muzzle (referenced to level) for the bullet to reach the maximum range along the chosen slope.   Infinity Version 7 Ballistic Software Bullet Selection INFINITY handles up to five different active bullets at a time. The program stores a full inventory of bullets and cartridges offered by 15 manufacturers, both U.S. and foreign.  Each of the five active bullets can be selected from anywhere in the stored inventory list. A key feature of the program allows any one of several trajectory parameters to be compared among the five (or any smaller number) bullets that you select. You can compare remaining velocity, energy, drop, bullet path height, or crosswind drift. Both a list and a graph of these comparisons are provided by the program.  You can also create custom bullets and save the settings in the custom bullet database.  These custom settings function in the program the same way as the manufacturers bullets. You can save a modification of an existing bullet or create a custom bullet from scratch. The custom bullets database is handled separately from the manufacturer's database allowing future updates of the manufacturer's data without affecting your custom settings.   Infinity Version 7 Ballistic Software Range Card   INFINITY sets ranges of conditions for many of the data input fields to ensure that you only enter data, which will provide accurate and reasonable results. For each field that has conditions set, you can see these required ranges in the status bar in the bottom left of the main form. If you enter a value outside of these ranges, you will receive an error dialog box and you must return to that field and enter a value that is within the defined range.
    Original price was: $38.89.Current price is: $14.99.
    Original price was: $38.89.Current price is: $14.99.